Sunday, February 13, 2011

Please sir, I want some more...

I've never begged for a job. Ever. But times are hard and I've gotten desperate. And guess what: it worked. After calling every day for a week I finally got an interview! Yay! But by the time I got there to talk to the guy they'd already filled the spot. Boo! But he continued to talk to me and was thinking about hiring me anyway. Yay! But then he found out that I was going to EFY and wouldn't be long term, so he turned reluctant. Boo! But then I pulled out the fact that I was an awesome returned missionary (they like those); and I was living with Wendy Jenkins and related to Brittany Jenkins (now Campbell, and Wendy was in the owners ward and Brittany was one of the best employees that he'd had); and I really really needed a job and that was the place that I wanted to work at more than anything. He told me he'd think about it and to call him Monday. Yay!
Thus ends that round of "Boo! Yay!" and the rest is "yay!" from here on out. I called back on Monday, he sounded skeptical still and told me to come in. He asked me if I really wanted to work there, I said yes, and he said I was hired! Weekends 7pm to 1am. I started training the next day and started my official shift this weekend. And I love it!
The people there are so sweet! Well, most of them :) There is Grant, who seems to find something wrong with everything. But for the most part they're all sweet. Like Betty! Betty Ball has been there for a couple years, and turns out that she's from the ward the Jenkins are in! She had a stroke a few years back and her left side is a bit out of commission. She needs help getting ready for bed, moving from here chair, or just walking. She is so sweet and is always apologizing for being an inconvenience. But I love her so much and always tell her that I'm more than happy to help her, it gives me a chance to talk with her.
It's so interesting to see these wonderful people and how they each react to their current circumstance. It makes me think about what I'm going to be like, and what I'm going to have to go through. I'm so grateful for the body that I have now and I really have a desire to take care of it. Especially my feet. For some reason, age really affects the feet. I want good looking, pain-free feet when I'm old. I guess this just means more pedicures :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Crazie Among Us

I am a typical Jenna. The Safley kind. And I firmly believe that those who don't know me well can get the idea that I'm crazy. This past week I've been carefully analyzing people's reactions to my wonderful rambling and amazing self. First off, Example #1: Last Sunday, for instance, was Fast and Testimony meeting. Bearing my testimony was not on my agenda that day. Or most people's, it seemed. Lots of lulls and silences in between each person who went up there. Finally, I could take the pauses no longer, and I stood up!... only to trip all over the people around me as I tried getting to the end of the row. Plus, a jacket reached out and wrapped itself around my feet and almost brought me down. So getting to the podium was an ordeal and the entire ward was there to witness my struggle. (note to self, don't sit in the front and in the middle on fast Sundays)
Once I made it to the top, I made my next mistake: I started speaking. I tried to relate my tale of struggle to getting to the podium, but that was met with rolling eyes and uncomfortable fidgeting. Okay, let's just testify. Unfortunately I don't have a very fluid, eloquent tongue and I end up rambling and throwing verbal upchuck out into the congregation. None of which seems to be met with understanding or even amusement. I walked back to my seat in embarrassment and I noticed that this time the jacket didn't attack me.
Example #2: Monday night we have FHE at the bishop's house! It took me a second to find, but I got there and I was in the right place :) I sat down and settled myself among people I'd met and was soon joined by my wonderful friends Maren and Missy. Comfortable, not too much out of my element, I was fine. Until the groups. Bishop counted up the room and put everyone into groups. He made one group too many and so some people had to break up and find new homes. That extra group happened to be mine, and I soon said farewell to the people that I actually knew and joined a group of people that I'd never met. Now that's generally not so bad, I enjoy meeting knew people. But this group wasn't the most talkative or sharing and I ended up giving a lot of input and suggestions and just talking a lot ( I tend to do that quite often). When time was up and we were supposed to tell the rest of the FHE people what we came up with, someone made a comment that was a bit hurtful about me. It wasn't that big of a deal, but they just implied that I took things over and talk too much. I was automatically spokesperson since I seem to like to do the talking.
So there I was, in the middle of the room, representing my entire group, when suddenly, out of nowhere, I realize that I'm in an awkward sort of position. Talking to the entire room when you're in the middle of it tends to make on spin left and right, trying to include everyone. I was on my knees so it was natural for me to just scoot myself backwards. I continued to talk about what our group came up with, but that was also interspersed with narration of my movements for the seeing impaired. I know the scene had to look a bit ridiculous, especially when I fell into the kid behind me. But people were definitely not impressed, and I could see the bored looks wondering if I was going to soon shut up. Add to the fact that I actually forgot what I was talking about and was truly senselessly rambling, it was truly the ravings of a mad woman. Now, I'm not getting full of myself here, but I thought I merited at least a smile of amusement, if not a chuckle. I thought that I was a little funny (not purposefully just insecurely so) and felt that others should see it. But my performance was for naught and I left my audience again in shame.
Now, even though every one thinks I'm crazy, this can be a very good thing: low expectations always lead to good surprises! As time goes on and people get to know me, my craziness can actually be thought of endearing and funny. I have hope that, while people my keep their distance now, soon they'll flock to be in my presence. I'm not being optimistic, just realistic.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oreo's Are My Life Force

I always thought a mission was hard. Well, because it was. But now I find myself in an even tougher situation: a returned missionary. One that has moved to Idaho. And has no idea what she is doing.
Two weeks and two days ago I packed up my little car (her name is Audrey III) and drove to Idaho. Since then my life has been fraught with adventure, boredom, and emotional roller coasters.
My first week out here was spent outside, walking in cold and frigid air (that's a gross understatement about the temperature) applying to everything for a job. In return: I lost my voice. Every day I would walk up and down the main streets, going into warm business and then coming back out into the harsh cold. I had quite a long time to think. And most of it was "What am I doing here?" Really, what am I doing here? I have people who love me, friends that I play with, and an actual room back in Utah. Not to mention a warm house. Here, I am alone, living in a corner of a house that they keep at 60 degrees. Why?... no, really, why?
But each time this question comes up, I can satisfy it. I can't answer it because I still have no idea. But I can think back to when I knew I was supposed to be up here. And I can think back to my first real night here in Rexburg.

My first Wednesday night, my dear friend Erin Price invited me to institute and country dancing. Sweet, something to do! I wasn't planning on continuing to go to the institute class, just was going to hang out with Erin. Writings of Isaiah, a little too much for me. But then you could get a book for $12.50 when it's generally $20, so I couldn't pass that up and it seemed interesting. So I left institute with a new book and a promise that I'd be there the next week.
Yee-haw! We went to what I was really excited for, the country dance! It was fun, it was hard, and I have no sense of rhythm. I mostly sat and watched, not asking anyone. I was still a little shell-shocked about being in Idaho. But as I was sitting there watching people dance, I suddenly had this calm come about me and it felt like I belonged and was where I needed to be. I felt good about Idaho. Which was great for me to remember as I tramped around Rexburg looking for a job.
After my first week roller coaster, of "Why am I here?" and "I love Rexburg!" I had a second week of roller coasters! There were less dips but when I dipped, I really got low. Those times generally ended up in a hysterical message left on someones phone. Thankfully I was generally recovered by the time someone called me back.

Now, for the more interesting highlights of my life! The institute teacher has turned out to be my new bishop. When things get repeated in my life like that I feel that something is right. Like I am where I am supposed to be. My ward will take a minute to get used to, but I think I'll do just fine! I made some friends last Sunday and at FHE, and hope to make more.
Also, there are cute boys here! One of my biggest fears was leaving all the cute boys behind in Utah. One of which works with my cousin Katie. She's been telling him about me and I got the chance to meet him for about 5 minutes yesterday! He invited me to country dancing last night, which was perfect since Erin was sick and I wasn't going to go by myself. I was all ready, I looked cute, and I was super excited! ....but I couldn't find him. And apparently he couldn't find me. Um... so in truth, I don't think I remember what he looks like. And I'm pretty sure his name is Sam, but my second guess is Matt....
But last night was still so much fun. Again with repeats in my life: two people that I met at FHE were at the dance! I gotta hang with them and we became friends. Also, there were two guys who are friends with Erin that were there and it was cool because I got to know them better and be their friend, instead of a friend of a friend. All in all, even though I couldn't find the guy I was looking for, it was a great night!