Sunday, February 12, 2012

Season's of Love

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day! It's a time that most single adults dread, or try to deny the existence of. In high school I would celebrate by wearing orange and we'd call it S.A.D: Singles Awareness Day. I spent years griping about how stupid of a holiday it was and how lucky I am to be single, yet all the while secretly loving its cheesy romanticness. I'm pretty sure that's about the same for every single adult. We really want to have a Valentine, we don't want to be single, and we envy those that aren't alone. One day I realized, I'm not alone!

Valentine's Day is about love, and I am surrounded by people I love! It doesn't have to be that fantastical guy I dream about; the one who magically shows up on my doorstep with roses and chocolate. But what about my family and my friends? I was always unhappy and disappointed every year because I felt like I was alone, I wasn't cute, nobody liked me, go out to the garden and eat worms... But my family loves me, and I love them. I am not alone there. I have wonderful friends near and far (Japan, baby!) who are still my friends after knowing me for a long time. Now that's love right there! And what about all my single friends who sit at home, doing the same thing that I've been doing for years on Valentine's Day: "hating" it! We should band together! And we did this year!

I created a tradition a few years ago to watch Lady and the Tramp every Valentine's Day. It's cute, romantic, and all around fun! This year I decided that I was not going to watch it alone and turned it into an awesome party, complete with a spaghetti and meatball dinner. And it was so much fun!

Now, I really do love Valentine's Day and the people that are around me. Which is funny, because now I can admit that I don't like being single. Well, I kind of do, ish. But that's just a different post entirely. Let's just go with the fact that I'm single and that is a situation that I'd love to change. And another topic that is worth it's own post (and totally related to my Lady and the Tramp party last night) is guys acting interested and never asking a girl on dates. Is he interested? I have no idea.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Actual blogging?

Not that anyone reads this, but I feel bad about not blogging. I mean, it's my history! And a way out of actual journaling. Thus far, I haven't been blogging or journaling. But that all is about to change (hopefully) with the fact that it's now an assignment. Yes, it's true. My sociology class requires me to document my own life that I might be prepared to write a paper on myself at the end of the semester. What better assignment than one all about me?
So on the subject of me :)

I am in school! I'm sure that was guessed by the fact I have a sociology class, but that still does not take away the wonderful joy that I am a student! Okay, sometimes it's not all that joyful, but I've been waiting so long to get back into school. It was a long, arduous process, but I fought my way into BYU-I and I'm stuck there. I'm serious. I'm not leaving, because the transferring there was hard enough I'm not going through that again.

I'm also living in a fabulous apartment with even more fabulous roommates! We have fun times. Mostly when we're supposed to be going to bed because that's usually when we're all home. We may keep each other up a bit, and feel a bit sleep deprived because of it, but I say it's worth it!

Job: yes, I have one! I work for a guy in my ward. I call online retailers and ask them to sell our product. It's called Monkey Bar Storage. What an awesome name is that? I really love the job and work with some super cool people. I tend to get made fun of a lot, but I don't seem to be able to get the ditsy blonde out of me. I really act like a ditz there. I'm pretty sure I'm ridiculous.

Well, that is really the quick nutshell version of things for now, but the goal is a once a week update. Lets do this!