Friday, March 2, 2012

Boys Bother Again

Life lately has been interesting: I can't get boys out of my head! I guess that shouldn't really come as a surprise since I am incredibly boy crazy. And not the boy crazy where I can flirt it up with all the cute guys and land myself a date every night. The awkward teenager boy crazy. I like guys, some of them can be so attractive and give me butterflies, I turn all giggly and suddenly all real thought leaves my brain, I can't think I can only ogle and smile. Or just stare. Staring happens a lot.

Such as lately.

Our story starts on New Years Eve. My wonderful roommate's brother lives in Idaho Falls and invited us down for a New Years Eve party and them to their singles dance. I didn't really want to go, I wanted to go to the dance in Rexburg. She joked with me about my man being down in IF, but I would never want to date anyone there, because it's a whole 30 minutes away! But I decided to go as long as we could end the night at our Rexburg dance. So Idaho Falls here we came! And guess what, I met this guy there. And should have guessed he'd cause trouble in my life.

He was cute, had the thick rimmed glasses and was wearing a scarf. We started talking a bit, found out he was an artist, and he did improv. Great. Improv. Seriously Jenna, big red flag right there. I've been around improv guys for a long time. I've dated some and watched them date and know there's a reason why they stay single for so long. But there's something about a guy who does improv, I can't help myself, I find them so attractive.  But he's in Idaho Falls, so whatever! I was pretty normal and mostly myself around him, because I figured nothing would go beyond New Years. So had fun in IF and finished the night in Rexburg.

In Rexburg, the dance not so awesome. Nobody really danced, and it was really kind of lame. But life got so much better when it was over! Lights turn on and there's a little more mingling happenin' and there's three new guys numbers in my phone. And pretty cute boys, at that. And, I was hyped up from the night so I acted pretty Jenna normal and didn't freak out around them. I was going to be pretty safe from improv boy.

Well, I texted the guys, I hung out with them a couple of times. But no dates. No date, no interest. The end. And I only saw inprov boy a week after I met him the first time and flirted, but no numbers exchanged. Okay, sweet. Another friend to add to the books. But then I couldn't really get him off my mind. One, because I really did find him attractive. Two, the others.

No, not Lost. I'm just talking about the comments of others. For example: my roommate, "You guys look like you'd be really cute together. He's such a fun guy, Jenna. I really approve of him." Her brother, "When I first met him I thought he'd be perfect for you! Plus, he said he thought you were pretty cool." The seed was planted and the crush was born.

Eventually he Facebooked me and asked for my number and a date that weekend. One, date was really short notice. Two, the date was to go watch his improv troupe perform. Can I say TREND? I even called this. I saw it all the time with all the improv guys I ever new. "Hey, so come to my show and we'll call it a date and then you'll be impressed with my awesome abilities to be funny." or "Yeah, I thought we'd go watch the guys I perform with because it will impress you and I don't have to pay." I'd go on a date with this kid, it could be fun. But he is so not impressing me.

I got there (I drove down because the show was between where we both lived). And I saw him. And the butterflies started! Then the stupid grin. Before I new what had happened to be my IQ was down to that have a trampled mushroom. I have no idea if trampled mushrooms have IQ's, but I really did resemble one in the way I acted. I went quiet, and shy, and suddenly I was like, "You do improv, that is soo cool. You must be funny." The ditsy blonde started to shine and I become this follower of "Whatever you do is so cool and I can't be as cool as you so I'll just be your puppy dog and follow you around."

It's true, I act like a puppy dog. Have a guy show a little interest and some physical affection and then I'm Dug from UP. "You are my master and I love you because you are my master." I have no idea how to express whining in writing, but that's what I'm doing right now as I recall my pathetic actions around guys.

I'm guessing that this is going to be part one. The rest of the story is going to involve the trauma of the last two paragraphs, but also some other things I've been noticing on how I react around guys. Maybe one day I will truly learn.

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