Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Part 3, With a Happier Ending (but still not the end)

So I went to an improv show on Thursday, and afterwards went to lunch with the improv boy. And I had fun. We sat for about 2 hours in a booth hard core flirting (people could see us!). Lots of hands touching, face touching, weird public flirting. And as he walked me out me my car we kind of held hands. You know the timid little two-finger holding when you want to but not sure if the other person wants to? Which is really dumb, because if the other person didn't want to hold your hand then you wouldn't even be touching those two little fingers. But how many of us have our brains working when the butterflies are around?

Oh, and I mention that he brought me a Valentine! (Keep in mind that is is two days after Valentines, almost a month ago!) It was a heart shaped Sponge Bob box full of Dove chocolate! Oh, perfect :) And he invited me to perform with his improv troupe the next week, and to practice on Wednesday! Improv! I'm won over.

When he walked me to my car I asked him when he was going to ask me on another date. He was obviously a little taken aback and fumbled around with an answer: "Uh, I want was going to keep that a suprise..." (I am obviously not impressed by this answer. "Or not... um, what are you doing this weekend?" I didn't have any plans at the moment, but I might make some. "I'll call you and we'll figure something out." Yippee, a date!

Well, I was having a pretty good rest of my day :) And the next day I was still floating. But then started wearing off: it was Friday, and I didn't hear from him. Then it was Saturday, and I still didn't hear from him. And then I started getting annoyed. What am I, just a girl to be messed with? Finally, I get a message from him on Facebook on Sunday, reminding me about the improv practice on Wednesday. I don't think I replied, but I was planning on going still. I mean, improv! I love improv! And that's all the communication I had with him until Wednesday. After class I had a missed message from him, which kind of melted my heart a little. He said that he was calling, but he didn't know why he was calling because I was in class, so he'll just see me later. Okay, Jenna, be strong!

Yeah, right.

I get to the practice and he's around me, and smells good... But that's not the point. There was a tiny bit of flirting going on, not too noticeable. After the practice he invited me to watch him play basketball. Okay, I like being around him, and maybe I can figure out what the heck is going on, right?

Side note: An elder from my mission was at basketball practice! Elder Price is in this improv kids ward, and so I got to spend a little time chatting with him. Loved it!

Back to story: After basketball we got hot chocolate and went over to his place.... and ended up on a love sack... It's a big one, and his roommate and his girlfriend were there, so nothing sketch happened. But after we were done with hot chocolate, my hand was there, and he grabbed it, and then interdigitation happened! And I let it! Because it felt good!

Okay, again, I lose my head around guys! Really, that's not something that's me! Okay, I guess it is, because I do this often with guys. I mean, with ones that I like. I turn puppy dog and will follow their lead. 'm not strong enough to resist! And I was the one that would get after my dear roommate many years ago for acting the same way. She just fell in, she couldn't resist. I would talk to her about being strong, creating boundaries. But when it comes right down to it, I love physical affect from a guy I like.

So, we were the, on the love sack, holding hands and slightly cuddling. And I left floating, thinking all good things.

But the story is still not over. This is taking a lot longer than what I thought. I still have a whole week of frustration. I mean, we haven't even gotten to that fateful math test alluded to in my first post about boys.
Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. don't drag out the story! hurry and catch up so we can stand with you on the brink of whatever is going to happen next......!
